The Life of an American Warrior Vol. 4

Peacetime Warrior

Book #4 of the Series

Travis saw the large cat leap and he did also. The mountain lion was closer to Jenny than he was, but he managed to grab hold of the animal’s rear leg while in mid-air. He twisted his body with every ounce of strength he had and pulled the surprised beast off course and both landed hard on the ground.

Both man and beast rolled once then each was on their feet to confront the other creature. The mountain lion hadn’t seen this animal attack but quickly sized him up. He was smaller than the elk he was used to bringing down, so killing him shouldn’t pose a problem. He circled to his right to get a better angle for his attack.

When Travis rolled, his outside leg dug in and immediately popped him up to his feet. His blood was boiling and eyes focused on the threat. He could tell this was a huge mountain lion and the instant it moved to its right, he closed in on the attack as Jenny was still in that direction and there was no way the deadly beast was going to get a chance at her.

Samantha finally reached Jenny who was frozen in place out of terror. She grabbed her and ran as fast as she could for the house screaming the whole way, “Help, help, help.”

The men that had watched Col. Monroe running suddenly saw what was happening and quickly began to mobilize. They grabbed their guns, piled into the back of a truck and drove over to help.
The mountain lion leaped at the man ready to kill but was again surprised as this creature was fast and used his paws for striking. But he was successful in slicing away at the creature’s flesh with his claws.

Travis drove his fist hard into the ribcage of the solid creature, slamming him into the ground again. This time he followed through with his shoulder knocking the wind out of the animal. The cat fought back with its rear claws ripping and tearing at the strange animal’s flesh.

Both were again back on their feet. Travis’ eyes and mental state were now focused on killing the menace at all cost. This lion wasn’t going to get another chance at his or anyone else’s child. Then both attacked again and this time the lion managed to sink his massive fangs into Travis’ shoulder and topple him over on his back.

Travis didn’t feel the pain because once he hit the ground he rolled over onto the biting, clawing beast and forced his fingers up under its ribcage. A hard jerk broke two ribs. The two rolled over again and suddenly he had a large potato sized rock in his right hand and began striking the beast with it. The first blow broke the cat’s left hipbone.

The mountain lion quickly realized he had underestimated this creature and needed to run for his life. He released his bite and tried to lunge away from the unbelievably aggressive creature he was fighting.

As the mountain lion jumped away, Travis managed to grab onto its now broken left rear leg. The cat fell to the ground then rolled back to attack the man again, but Travis brought the rock down hard again on the ribs just behind the front shoulder and the sound of ribs breaking could clearly be heard.

The mountain lion was now fighting for his life and began clawing and biting in an attempt to get away, but Travis ignored the damage he was receiving. He continued to drive the rock with all his might into the beast. After what seemed like an eternity of fighting, it was suddenly over. The violence ended and he looked around, seeing nothing but blood and gore from the animal’s destroyed body.

He was on his knees and tried to get up, but the pain from the wounds he received were too great. His body felt like it was on fire and instinctively, he crawled towards the stream to sooth the terrible agony. Once at the water’s edge, he managed to roll into the cold stream and allowed it to take him away from the pain.

Samantha had reached the house and dropped Jenny on the sofa as she hurried for the rifle always kept over the fireplace. The instant she had it, she levered a round into the chamber and ran as fast as she could to help her husband. Each step she took made her more desperate as she hadn’t seen him since she picked up Jenny and ran back to the house with her.

The moment she reached the spot where she caught Jenny, she stopped just as the truck filled with eight men slid to a stop beside her. The men immediately jumped off the truck and set up a picket line about two meters apart. They were all battle-hardened men and not afraid of danger when it involved protecting one of their own or a family member. Without being told, they silently began moving one step at a time, each man straining to look through the waist high grass.

They quickly stepped and swept the area looking for any movement. Then three men saw the area where the fight had taken place. At the sight one of the men said, “Lord!” It was an area about fifteen feet in diameter where the grass was laid over. But the grass wasn’t green. It was red with fresh blood. The thick odor of fresh blood was just beginning to flow up from the kill site and each man could clearly see blood still dripping from the grass.

While a terrible site, the men pressed on looking for Col. Monroe. As they reached the far side of the bloody clearing one of the men spotted something and called out, “Here! I see something.”
All the men hurried to the spot as did Samantha. She had been waiting where she stopped and expected the men to call out when they found Travis. She pushed her way past the men and saw two men kneeling over a bloody pile of gore.

One of the men said, “Man, that’s one big cat.”

“Well, we don’t have to worry about him anymore, let’s find the colonel,” another man replied.
As the men began to fan out another man called out, “I have a blood trail! It’s leading to the water.”
All the men quickly began moving through the grass towards the stream. Samantha was with them and with each step she had a deeper feeling of loss as the massive quantity of blood they were following belonged to Travis.

When they reached the stream she looked downstream and saw a body in the water. “There!” she screamed as she pointed towards the floating body. Suddenly she was running to catch him as she cried out, “Oh my god, Travis!”

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Look for Ken’s new book BigFoot: A Sniper’s Story coming in 2017. Hero Dale Johnson will knock your socks off in this surprising adventure story. Read about Dale Johnson: Click Here

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