The Island of Second Chances Series

The Island of Second Chances and Pirate Hunter are about the action packed adventures of Captain Joe Winters.

The Adventures of Tom Malley Series

Three books in this series, the Tom Malley stories begin when he is an recently orphaned young man and continue until he is an aged man, who has learned a bounty of hard life lessons.

The Making of an American Warrior

In the four books in this series, Travis Monroe survives as a Marine in the Vietnam War.

Bigfoot: A Sniper's Story

In Ken Foster's latest novel, Bigfoot: A Sniper's Story, Dale Johnson, a Marine sniper, discovers a family of Bigfoot while hunting on some remote property.

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The Island of Second Chances

A Ex-Navy Seal who will always do the right thing no matter how inconvenient.

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The Adventures of Tom Malley

A mountain man turned cowboy with his own sense of justice.

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The Life of an American Warrior

A hard unyielding Marine with a can do attitude and a soft side for family.

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Bigfoot: A Snipers Story

Ex-Marine sniper struggling with two families, one his own the other an unknown.

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