The Island of Second Chances Series
Joe Weathers is an ex-navy Seal that lead his team into an ambush, losing some very close friends and getting everyone wounded including him-self. No longer a Seal he begins ferrying boats to destinations all over the world. One of the ferry trips the boat is blown up and he must endure several weeks at sea before landing on a deserted island. After a great deal of time passes in solitude he rescues a woman that is also adrift and they spend the next year fighting before she realizes he is also stranded on this island.
Once rescued and he clears his name he organizes his old team and they take to the ocean to confront pirates in the act of taking over a ship. When the team or their family is threatened Joe turns from a loving family man to a cunning advisory and very deadly warrior. He always does the right thing no matter how inconvenient.
The Adventures of Tom Malley Series
Tom Malley is a lost young man that is very impressionable. His parents pass away before he can grow into a man. Fortunately before he can starve to death he is taken in by an Indian tribe that teaches him how to live in the mountains and overcome his grief. His next lesson in being a man is at a rendezvous of mountain men where he discovers women and learns a hard lesson, one that sticks with him for the rest of his days.
He eventually turns into a loving family man that has his own unwavering beliefs based on his travels and the people he had encounters. He never seems interested in taking the easy path but forges ahead knowing he is following what is right.
Life of an American Warrior Series
Travis Monroe begins as a high school student that is railroaded into giving up a full scholarship to college. The judge gives him a choice either jail or join the military, of course as an athlete he would naturally choose the Marine Corp. While his high school class is graduating he is graduating basic training. His hardened beliefs come from his family and the extra ordinary conditions of fighting in the Vietnam War. Being wounded numerous times and still preferring to be with the brothers in arms as opposed to the treatment he receives after returning home.
Although he is a hardened combat veteran Travis struggles with the basic understanding that he does deserve good things in his life. He deals with every circumstance that comes his way with authority and has earned the respect and admiration of his community. Through his life he stays fit so he can deal with anything or anyone that threatens his family.
Bigfoot: A Sniper’s Story
Dale Johnson lost his parents at a young age and is raised by his Uncle Mike a Marine Sniper in Vietnam. Dale follows in his uncles footsteps and becomes a Marine Sniper also. He loses his best friend when an IED exploded as the Humvee they were in drove over it. Although also wounded he still takes his friend home and while recuperating he meets his future wife.
Once out of the Marines he has the chance to hunt a very remote property that may have never been walked on or seen by man. It takes all his skills developed as a Scout/Sniper to find and document a family of Bigfoot. After a serious confrontation with the alpha male and barely escaping with his life Dale is visibly shaken.