BIGFOOT: A Sniper’s Story

BIGFOOT: A Sniper’s Story

bigfoot, bigfoot photo,sasquach,Follow along as Gunnery Sergeant Dale Johnson lives two lives; One as a hard working retired Marine Sniper that enjoys hunting to put fresh meat in the freezer for his family and the other, a man that keeps a secret discovery to himself while collecting data to prove the existence of “Bigfoot”. He uses his old sniper skills, after discovering the true existence of this creature, as he documents the lifestyle of the mysterious beast. After collecting a sample of a dead “Bigfoot”, he is ready for the world to find out about his discovery. But first he must escape the raging fury of the alpha male when it discovers what he took. All evidence and samples are anonymously given to a special contact at a college. Then after his research is stolen, Dale is suddenly placed in a position to defend his family against a murderous international criminal trying to kill a “Bigfoot” for sport. It is a story of a man wanting to prove the existence of the elusive creature known as “Bigfoot”. While protecting beast from man he must also protect his family and friends from the pure evil known as Malcolm Hutchins.



To find out how this story goes, click here Bigfoot: A Sniper’s Story 


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