The Life of an American Warrior Series

Discovering the Warrior Within

Life of an American Warrior: Discovering the Warrior WithinFollow along as Travis Monroe a typical high school student from a small Texas town discovers how the lies of others can change an innocent person’s life. He not only loses his high school sweetheart but the judge gives him the choice of joining the military or going to jail. While his classmates are graduating he is finishing boot-camp and being sent to Vietnam.

Once in country he is surprised to find the temperature and humidity of Vietnam isn’t any different than where he grew up and the impenetrable jungle isn’t much different than the big thicket area he’s hunted and camped in his whole life, the main difference was the type of plant life. His unique experience of living in this environment has given him the advantage of being able to silently move through the jungles of Southeast Asia and detect the enemy before they can ambush the patrols he’s on.

His bravery in combat earns him the respect of his buddies as well as his superiors leading to several promotions and the responsibility of leading men into combat. On one patrol friendly fire renders him unconscious and eventually into the enemies hands. After weeks of torture he manages to escape and deal with those tracking him. When he returned to the firebase he was surprised to find out he was listed as KIA and his first tour of duty had been over for several weeks.

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Honing His Skills

The Life of an American Warrior: Honing His SkilsTravis Monroe is a young Marine that was treated so vilely upon his return from his first tour of duty in Vietnam that he immediately re-upped as he felt more at home in the war torn jungles than he did in the states. After joining a joint Marine Corp-CIA program he receives the necessary training to return to the country so many want to leave.

Working behind enemy lines alone for months at a time Travis happens to come across a large stash of gold the enemy has hidden in the jungle. He returns early from his mission to report the find but the general in charge is so furious with his return from the field and believes he’s bring back some souvenir that he doesn’t allow him to show him what he found and orders him to never speak about what he has in his pack again. Next he tells the young man to consider what is in his pack the spoils of war and he can keep it if he can find a way to get it home.

While on another very important mission to attempt to destroy the enemy’s rainy season camp he is called away on another mission and is surprised to see another man drop into the jungle with his new orders. He now must train this poorly prepared CIA man and accomplish this new mission without getting either of them killed.

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Returning to Complete Mission

The Life of anAmerican Warrior: Returning to Complete MissionAfter years of jungle warfare Travis Monroe is now a battle hardened Marine. Yet still is a naive young man when it comes to the opposite sex. Once a hand to hand combat student of the C.I.A. he now instructs his old instructors while waiting to go back into the field to do his part in the war against communism. But first he has to complete another mission to covertly travel to the border between China and North Vietnam to destroy a shipment of rockets destined to down American aircraft. A slip in security, leads to an allegation of him being a spy in the countries of North Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and China immediately followed by a bounty placed on his head.

He is forced to leave the combat theater for the next six months in a remote part of Germany before finally being recalled to Saigon to resume his original mission to hopefully shorten the war. Once he is ready to spring the trap on the enemy’s rainy season encampment all he has to do is wait for the camp to fill with enemy soldiers and be given the approval to blow it up. Suddenly he is called away on a rescue mission to a downed chopper only to discover someone in his own government wants the Army nurse assassinated.

This nurse must put aside her feelings of resentment for him when he is attacked by a tiger and is with him as he completes his mission. As the two Americans travel through hundreds of miles of enemy territory they finally link up with a lost Army patrol that is sitting in a trap created by the enemy. After quietly getting the patrol out of the trap they manage to travel to the firebase Zebra 29 only to find out the firebase in surrounded by an enemy that is determined to wipe it out. Travis must take the fight to the enemy to keep the firebase from falling then before the final assault he leads the strike team and engages the enemy in hand to hand combat until the battle is over.

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Peacetime Warrior

american-warrior-4coverColonel Travis Monroe is a young Marine officer that finally returns home after eight years of service to his country, most of it in the jungles of Vietnam. Having received a battlefield commission and many promotions along the way he knows there isn’t a place for him in a peace time military. He like many of his comrades in arms has to deal with an ungrateful nation upon their return.

Fortunately he has Samantha Hailey the ex-Army nurse he rescued a year and a half before the evacuation of Saigon. She is with him as he must deal with a tough guy known as the King of Atlanta and a biker gang. And again when he goes to retrieve his daughter in Thailand and must help a lost tribe of jungle people that kidnapped the tiny infant. Once back in the states he takes on the two biggest bullies around Samantha’s home town. On his property he helps troubled veterans with job training skills as well as helping to set them up in various businesses.

Throughout his life Travis must deal with financial ruin of In-laws and tragic loss of friends and family. He must get to a mountain lion before it gets to his youngest daughter and deal with a racist that doesn’t like the way his adopted daughter looks. Although he hasn’t been in action for many years he must go on a quest to the Amazon jungle to seek justice for his family against a ruthless drug cartel. Once he returns he spends the next ten years raising his four remaining children and helping Vietnam veterans until…

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Read about The Adventures of Tom Malley. Click Here.

Check out The Island of Second Chances Series here.

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